Tuesday, April 6, 2010

New Business Tools

I write and communicate a lot with my clients via the internet.  And every once and a while I come across some great tools that I find that I just can't work without.  The best part of all of this, they are FREE!
Yes, I said the "F" word.
In these trying times, we are always looking for something free.  Oh come on, no fibbing here.  We all want something for free.  That is why these tools that I found are so great!  Not only are they free but they come in so handy when working on websites, or doing business in general.

Here are my 4 top tools that I have found that I cannot live without.  Did I mention they were FREE?

This is an image capturing tool, that you can capture short videos or images on your computer and attach them to articles or send off to friends.  Think about it this way.  When you find an image you want to share with a friend but you don't want to send the whole link. Or you are chatting and say here, let me send you this pic and you'll understand.  Well you can do that with Jing.  You capture the image/video and save it. 


Team Viewer
Team viewer allows you to go remotely to your friends, client or whoever wants to share your date or vice versa.  I have found it useful when it comes to clients who want to make changes on their site and don't fully understand how to relay the information to me.
Team Viewer is also an excellent tool if you are having computer issues and can't get a program to function properly and your service tech can access your computer while you watch and wait!

This tool works well for people who are working remotly or want to share documents and folders with co-workers.  Of if family members want to share a photo album.  It's an easy drag and drop and again, it's free up to 2GB. You can save files or images on the Dropbox without the worry of having them be lost if you have a computer meltdown.
It's a great business tool when you have several people working on a project and you want files files, you drag and drop and it's done!

We all know how Google works, but we not all be familiar about Google Docs.  This is another online s where you can upload your files and folders online for free.  You also have the ability to share the documents with other users so they can either view and/or edit the documents.  Again, a great tool if you have several people working on a project!
All you have to do is sign up or into your Google account and follow the prompts.

So there you have it!  4 FREE business tools that will help you move your business forward and facilitate your file sharing and saving.  Best part, they are ALL free!

Happy business building!

Nicole Gruendl

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Business Woman SEO

Tired of the frustration of putting in all this time and effort into your business? And for what?  You keep seeing the time tick away with no results. Your business needs more attention, but you don’t have time! You try to divide your time between business and family but it’s NOT WORKING!!! “Mom I need this, Mom I need that.” Juggling a job, home, kids, family, maybe some YOU time in there! YEAH RIGHT! 

What you need is Business Woman SEO!

There are so many wants and demands, that you just cant’ keep up, you’re on a budget.  So you try to make this online business work for that extra cash but that takes time to work it.  There are so many programs that you want to use, to learn, to focus on but HOW? It’s a lose/lose situation.  But is it?

If you want to drive more traffic to your site, increase your search engine rankings, get more sales leads PLUS some FREE bonuses then you need to go to BusinessWomanSEO to find out how.

Looking forward to hearing from you and Happy SEO'ing!

Nicole Gruendl